May 3, 2024

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The Best ‘Work Perks’ Revealed

Finishing early on a Friday and casual office attire are work perks which are all too familiar to employees today – but are all ‘work perks’ really this predictable?

CT Group Travel took to Twitter to find out.

A common debate revolves around pets in the office.  A recent YouGov poll stated that just under two thirds (65%) of Brits want our four-legged friends banned from offices.  CT Group Travel are firmly on the “yes to dogs” side of this debate with Wellness Director Willow having four legs and being super fluffy.  Birmingham based Prezzybox also love their office pets, they even have an Instagram account for them and frequently include the animals in promotional posts.

How about Costco HotDog days? That’s a perk loved by employees at Reflex Creative. In fact, free food seems to be a common theme (and not a hugely costly one), with many respondents enjoying a weekly free meal from their employers – curries and fast food came out as the clear favourites.

Work flexibility is an increasingly important perk employees would like: over 70% of our respondents mentioned it. The CIPD recently reported that more than half of UK workers (54%) work flexibly in some way, but there is still a lot of unmet demand.  Two in three workers (68%) would like to work flexibly in a way that is not currently available with childcare playing a large part of this. Koozai actively encourage flexible and remote working to help with childcare needs with more companies, including CT Group Travel, moving to this method of working.

For those who don’t have remote flexibility, employers are increasingly trying to make life in the office more attractive.  Eunace & May work with many companies in London providing blow-dries, make-overs and prosecco for staff within the office, all paid for by the employer.  A great perk before a Friday night out.

The most impressive perk? Workcations. True Six organise workcations for their teams a number of times per year; allowing the teams across the globe to integrate and see new sights.  In one year alone, their employees have visited London, Tuscany and Stockholm.

CT Group Travel Managing Director Clare Collins isn’t surprised by the increase in travel-related incentives.

“We’ve seen a growth in travel related employee incentive schemes of 64% in the last 12 months, with some companies travelling all around the globe. These schemes are a great way for employees to see the world, build up a fantastic team culture and feel as though their contributions to the company are appreciated”.